Aferim! movie plot
Costandin: Lifeless out of life, life out of lifeless.
The Priest: Each nation has its purpose. The Jews, to cheat, the Turks, to do harm, us Romanians to love and suffer like Christ. And each has their habits. Hebrews reads a lot, Greeks talks a lot, Turks has many wives, Arabs has many teeth, Germans smokes a lot, Hungarians eats a lot, Russians drinks a lot, English thinks a lot, French likes fashion a lot, Armenians are lazy, Circassians wears much lace, Italians lies a lot, Serbians cheats a lot, Gypsies get beaten! Gypsies must be slaves.
Romanian 19th Century Classical Road Movies
"Cheers" wins new wine in old bottles
Won the Berlin Golden Bear director with a "pornographic film", another major masterpiece of the Romanian director
FIFF16丨DAY8 "Cheers! ": In this human world, who is cheering for you?
"Chasing the Gypsy" (Aferim!-2015)