3 Days to Kill evaluation action
School Principal: As I was saying to Zooey, study after study has shown that aggression is exacerbated by violent images in popular culture.
Ethan Renner: Well, Zooey's mother raised her to be a pacifist.
School Principal: Hmm. Hitting a classmate in the face is hardly a passive response.
Ethan Renner: [looking over at Zooey] With an open hand or a clenched fist?
School Principal: What difference does that make?
Ethan Renner: Well, from my experience, anger, frustration, insult, they all call for... they all call for different responses.
Ethan Renner: Get on... this bike.
Zooey Renner: Or what?
Ethan Renner: Now!
Zooey Renner: [throws the bicycle down] I don't even know how to ride a bike, okay?
Ethan Renner: What kind of kid doesn't know how to ride a bike?
Zooey Renner: The kind of kid who never had a father to teach her!